Basic Information |
- Monthly assessment
- Maintenance or landscape issues - Email on the "Contact Us" page if you have an issue to be addressed.
- No noise hours - Any work on the property, including but not limited to excavating and land clearing, demolition, alteration or repair of any kind shall be prohibited between the hours of 6:00 p.m. through 8:00 a.m. on weekdays, 5:00 p.m. through 9:00 a.m. on Saturday and shall be prohibited all day on Sundays, January 1, December 25, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day and Thanksgiving Day, except in case of urgent necessity. Please be respectful of your neighbors.
Cable TV - The monthly assessment includes Comcast basic cable Digital Starter package. To communicate with Comcast, call 1-855-307-4896. This is the number for bulk accounts. If you are a new owner, call that number or go to a local Comcast store to get your service hooked up.
Internet - Each owner is responsible for their own internet service.
Trash - Trash is picked up on Wednesdays by Republic Services - have your can out by 7 AM that day. Recycling pickup is every other Wednesday. Each owner pays for their own trash collection through their water bill with Park City. Holiday pickup information is available by typing in your address here - https://www.republicservices.com/schedule. If your trash was missed, call 435-615-8311.
Annual waste fee - Park City has an annual waste fee (billed from Republic Services), assessed and paid by each owner individually.
- Water shut off valve - The water shut off valve is located in the crawl space at the front of the unit. Unit 2014 had the valve moved inside next to the washer and dryer.
Parking tags - Each unit owner has one guest parking tag. Guests must have this tag hanging from their rear view mirror at all times when parked in a guest parking stall. Vehicles subject to tow at any time if the tag is not displayed. Lost tags can be replaced for $100.
Guest parking spaces - Overnight parking in our parking stalls is for guests only. Owners must park in their respective garage. Owners/tenants/renters may park in guest spots during the day, if necessary, on occasion.
5PM-8AM guest parking spaces - After 5PM the guest spots are available for guests only. Owners/tenants/renters may not park in guest parking between those hours. There is a patrol by a towing company and any vehicle without a tag will be towed. The cost to to get a car out of the impound lot is over $250, plus a daily rate after the initial tow. See the posted signs for contact information on the towing company. Lakeview Cottages HOA or the Board does not have any control over getting a car out of impound once it is towed.
Fire lane- Lakeview Drive is a FIRE LANE. No vehicles are allowed to be parked in front of the garage door AT ANY TIME. This is the fire lane area not a driveway. Please park in the garage. Vehicles parked in the fire lane will be towed immediately at the owner's expense.
Alert system - We have an emergency alert system. In the event of an emergency or critical information that needs to be communicated, all owners will receive a call to their cell phone and/or email.
- Windows & doors - In keeping with the original architectural design scheme, the windows and doors, both front and back, have not been altered in the property's history. To keep the design of our community consistent, no changes to the size or placement of windows is allowed. Tinting of the windows in the common area is permitted as long as it is not overly reflective in appearance from the outside of the building (similar to the back windows at 2013 Lakeview), and must be approved in advance and in writing by the HOA Board. The owner is responsible for repair and replacement of windows and doors. Screen doors must be Pella, same style.
- Window washing - The HOA contracts to have the outside of the windows cleaned twice per year, in the spring and fall. The HOA notifies owners of the date this will happen so they can optionally contract with the window washer individually to have the inside windows done also.
- Garage doors - Some doors are currently wood, but replacements are the wood-grain look metal doors. Must be approved by the Board prior to replacement through Crawford Doors. See approved vendors below.
- Front doors, storm and screen doors - The owner is responsible for repair and replacement. Front doors must be similar in style and painted the same color as the other doors. No windows are allowed in the front door. All replacements must be approved in advance by the HOA Board.
- Unit exterior & common area changes - The Board has continuously upheld the architectural design scheme appurtenant to important elements of the buildings such as doors, windows, paint, landscape, roof, decks, etc. with continuity in keeping with historical property design elements. The building exterior elements and common areas are under the direction of the Board as provided in the bylaws. All changes to the outside of a unit must be approved in advance and in writing by the Board.
Air conditioning - As of July 2021, the Board will permit air conditioners. However, written plans must be submitted to the Board as to placement and detailed specs on the unit. Neighbors on both sides must agree to the placement and type of unit also. Owners must have prior written Board approval before an air conditioner may be purchased or installed. For mini split unit, a Dakin or Mitsubishi is recommended, as they fall within the mid 50s decibel range. For central systems, a Lenox (such as the XC25 or XC28) is recommended, or a unit with a decibel rating in the 50s and a variable speed fan. Contact Doug, unit 2005, if you have questions or for further information.
Exterior light bulbs - Linda, Unit 2003, has exterior light bulbs for replacement. Please contact her directly if you need a bulb replaced. The light limit is 450 lumens.
Decks - The HOA contracts to have the redwood decks refinished and bills the owner according to the size of the deck. The finish is SRD Wood Finish Transparent Matte SIK240-078 (carried by Benjamin Moore in Park City). It used to be Natural Sikkens Pro-Luxe stain, but Sikkens was taken over by PPG and the same product has the new label as indicated in the previous sentence. Deck and railing replacement is the responsibility of the owner. If the owner wants to switch to Trex, the approved colors are Toasted Sand and Spiced Rum.
Painting - The HOA contracts periodically to have the painting of the garage doors, siding, and railings completed. 2022 Paint: Sherwin Williams Resilence Ultra Deep Latex Flat Base formulas. Paint color formulas used in the past are here. The HOA also contracts to have the front doors painted. The paint is Old Masters gel stain (available at Sherwin Williams) and the color is Special Walnut.
Snow - The HOA contracts to have the snow removal completed on the sidewalks and driveways.
- Landscape - The HOA contracts to have the lawns mowed and bushes trimmed. The "island" in front will be mowed in the fall of 2025. The wildflower seed mix in this area is Granite Seed Cabin Mix.
Exhaust vents - If you, or a previous owner, has at some point relocated the exhaust vents of either your water heater, furnace, or both, to an area other than the original design via the ventilation stack, such as the side of the building and/or near the ground, the owner is responsible for assuring the area around the vents is kept clear of snow and debris at all times.
Chimney cleaning - Each owner is responsible to have their own chimneys cleaned. The HOA recommends the Mad Hatter Chimney Sweep 435-649-7129.
Awnings - Some units have awnings over their deck. If an awning is desired, it must be approved in writing by the HOA Board prior to purchase or installation. The recommended contractor is Sugarhouse Awnings 801-563-9600.
- Maintenance scheduled & managed regularly by the HOA
- Window washing (outside) every spring and fall
- Landscaping
- Snow removal on road and sidewalks
- Painting (exterior)
- Deck maintenance (refinishing)
- Pest control
- Wildlife control
- Rodent control
- Approved and/or suggested vendors
Windows and screen / storm doors: Pella Windows of Salt Lake City (888) 237-8044; Window Dynamics 435-513-1011 Joel Splinter; Pella Contractor Travis Loaner 801-918-8878
Garage doors and openers: Crawford Door Sales (801) 487-7442 (must use)
Plumbing: Hotrod and Yox Plumbing (435) 649-4759
Electrical: Alpine Electric (435) 649-8779
Heating and Air Conditioning: Manwill Heating, Air Conditioning and Plumbing (801) 262-4671
- Decks: PRO Deck Doctor (435) 783-3287
General contracting: Bill Wynne (801) 209-7655
Painting: Quality Painting (435) 645-8149 or (435)-655-1321
- Garage door repair: Jake - Garage Door Doctor (801)-472-7915
Window washing: Brad's Super Clean Windows (801) 556-2601